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Recommendation letter

October 16, 2020 Muhammad Fathan Haqqani Student of High School 3 Bandung Belitung Street number 8 Bandung, Indonesia Dear, Bandung Institute of Technology I am writing to you with a recommendation for Muhammad Belva Valerino for an internship with  Bandung Institute of Technology. Muhammad Belva Valerino  is a senior at  High School 3 Bandung and has shown great potential in the field of Mathematics and Physics, He isn't only excels academically, he was showing his responsibility that make him a good addition to any team. Let me introduce you his detail personality. His name is Muhammad Belva Valerino. He lives in Bandung. Now He is 15 years old and in the 11th grade of high school. He went to school at High School 3 Bandung, which is located on Belitung street number 8. His  strength is responsible, honest, discipline, He uses logic more than feeling when He studies.. His responsibility can be seen from him when He was doing his assignment on time. Honest can be seen from him whe

Hope, Dream, and Achievement 🌟

When i was at elementary school, my very very first dream was to be a Chemist. I didn't even know chemistry, but I used to watch Chemical experience in TV. So i thought that Chemistry was a lot of fun. Later, I was attracted to something that uses logic and thinking skill. So i started to learn Chess and I participated in many competitions. I got 4th position in O2SN-K (Olimpiade Olahraga Siswa Nasional-Kota).  Because of my interest on logic and numbers, now i like Math so much. My future goal is to be a Programmer or an Engineer. I decided to work as a Programmer or an Engineer because i think those are my passion. What they do is something that's related to Math. Before that, ofc I want to study at University first. My dream campus is ITB. I hope i can study in STEI or FTMD faculty. To achieve my dream, i realize that i must to work hard and study. Now, I'm trying to fix my scores on raport card so that i can get a spot in SNMPTN. That's all i can say about my dream.

Suggestion and Offer Dialogue

TOPIC : Recruitment new members of extracurricular program A new school year had arrived! All extracurricular organizers were busy preparing for "open recruitment" event. Jimmy as the leader of Chess club, were confused to decide when will he and all of the members hold a meeting. Suddenly, he met Haris at the school corridor. Haris was a member of Chess club. Haris :  OMG Jimmy! What's wrong with that confused face? Jimmy : Ohh Haris :(..... I've been thinking about the recruitment event. I'm so confused what should we do. Haris : Goshh... Why don't you tell me and all of the members? Maybe we can help you to prepare it. Jimmy : Seriously? ALL RIGHT. I'm going to hold a meeting! But... i don't know when. Haris : How about next Saturday? I think it's a good time to discuss about the event. Jimmy : Sounds good. I will make an announcement in the Whatsapp group. Haris : Okay, see you later. Then the time had come. All of the members attended the mee
The Deepwater Horizon accident Deepwater Horizon oil spill, also called Gulf of Mexico oil spill, largest marine oil spill in history, caused by an April 20, 2010, explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig—located in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 41 miles (66 km) off the coast of Louisiana—and its subsequent sinking on April 22. About 1,300 miles (2,100 km) of the U.S. Gulf Coast covered in oil. Massive harm done to wildlife in and around the Gulf of Mexico, including the deaths of an estimated 800,000 birds and 65,000 turtles. Release of an estimated 134 million to 206 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. As much as 20 percent of the oil spilled may have sunk to the bottom of the ocean, damaging deep-sea ecosystems. The Deepwater Horizon rig, owned and operated by offshore-oil-drilling company Transocean and leased by oil company BP, was situated in the Macondo oil prospect in the Mississippi Canyon, a valley in the continental shelf. The oil well over w
Prevent the spread of COVID-19! M.Fathan H. (20) 10 Science 6

Puss In Boots

Puss In Boots source : There was once a miller who had three sons, and when he died his estate was divided among them. The older sons fared very well, but the youngest received nothing but the cat, and he often complained bitterly of his lot. "My brothers may get their living easily enough," he said, "but as for me, I may soon die of hunger and want." The cat, who had heard this, came out of the cupboard where he had been listening." "Do not worry, my good master," he said. "You have only to give me a bag and have a pair of boots made for me, and you shall see that your portion is not so bad as you imagine it to be." The cat's master obtained both bag and boots, and watched the cat pull on the boots and throw the bag over his shoulder. Then Puss in Boots sallied forth. He went to a warren in which there were a great number of rabbits. He put some bran and some parsley into his bag, and then waited for som