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SUMATRAN TIGER Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris Sondaica) is a species of Tiger that lives in Sumatera Island,Indonesia. Sumatran tiger is listed the endangered animal.  Here is the classification of Sumatran Tiger : KINGDOM : ANIMALIA PHYLUM  : CHORDATA CLASS  : MAMMALIA ORDER : CARNIVORA SUBORDER : FELIFORMIA FAMILY : FELIDAE SUBFAMILY : PANTHERINAE GENUS : PANTHERA SPECIES : P.tigris SUBSPECIES : P.t.sondaica Size : The Sumatran tiger is one of the smallest tigers. Males measure between the pegs 2.2 to 2.55 m (87 to 100 in) in head-to-body length,  Females weight 75 to 110 kg (165 to 243 lb) and measure 2.15 to 2.30 m (85 to 91 in) in length Habitat : The Sumatran tiger lives in small and fragmented populations across Sumatra, from sea level in  the coastal lowland forest of Bukit Barisan selatan national park  on the southeastern tip of Lampung Province  to 3,200 m (10,500 ft) in mountain forests of Gunung Leuseur National Park   in Aceh p

An Inspiring Person

Albert Einstein's Biography Albert  Einstein is a physicist that developed many of physic theories.  His inventions have changed the world.He is popular because of its formula E=mc^2.  He was born on  14th March 1879 in German. His parents name is Hermann  Einstein and Pauline Koch. His family is jewish.  In the beginning of his education,Einstein always excelled on his math and physics.He graduated from Federal Polytechnic School on 1900.It is located on Switzerland.He got Ph.D. after graduated on University of Zurich in German. In the beginning of his carrier,Einstein developed relativity theory while working in Swiss on 1902-1909. He lived in Swiss after he changed his nationality in German. In 1908,He was  appointed lecturer at the University of Bern . On 17th of April 1955,He had internal bleeding. Before he died,he wanted to write a speech,but he died before finshing it. Einstein died in Princeton Hospital at the age of 76

Event Organizer

Farewell Party A.Background Based on  the time schedule that we will be graduated from SMP Angkasa Pura Bandung,we will hold a farewell party to make our relationship closer.  B.Purpose & Obejctives I. To make relationship closer II. As a plate of our graduation III. To increase our faith to God C.   Activities Date and Place The event will be held on : Date : 17th of July,2019 Place : Ballroom at Panghegar Hotel Time : 16.00 - 21.00 D.Participants Teachers,Headmaster, and all students of 9th grade with their parents are hoped to join this farewell party E. Committee The committee of the party are school's staffs,teachers,school's committee,and the headmaster of the school. F.Rundown Activities 16.00 : Students with their parents are arrived in the ballrrom of Panghegar Hotel 16.30 : Greeting speech from Headmaster 16.45 : Greeting from school's committee 17.00 : Appreciation for o
Pangandaran Beach Pangandaran beach is one of the most famous beach in West Java. Pangandaran beach is located in Pangandaran City. The length of Pangandaran beach is about 91 kilometers.It is famous because of its beautiful view. I and my family have gone there. There are so many tourists come from other countries to visit Pangandaran Beach. The location is strategic.There are so many hotels around the beach.Pangandaran beach is divided into 3 parts,those are west, east,and southeast side. West side of Pangandaran beach is ideal for visitors that want to relax because it is safe and comfortable.In this site you can swim, do sunbath,or you can enjoy the stunning view around the beach. East side of Pangandaran beach is the paradise for seafood enthusiast.There are so many Restaurants and Food stalls beside the coast. Southeast side also provides you seafood.There are so many fresh fish markets around there.You can buy fresh seafood there. Pangandaran beach i

Conversation Project

English Project SMAN 3 Bandung X-MIPA 6 -M.Syauqii Z (21) -M.Fathan H (20) DIALOG : Syauqii : Hi Fathan! How are you ? Long time no see, i’m very surprised! Fathan : Hi Syauqii ! I’m feeling good, wow long time no see ! How about you ? Syauqii : I’m good, by the way i see on your instagram you joined a competition. Is                            that true ?? Fathan : Yes, it’s true Syauqii : What kind  competition ?? Fathan : It’s a math competition. I hope i can be the winner. Syauqii : I hope so, good luck !! 1 WEEK LATER AT THE SAME DAY Syauqii : Hi ! How about your competition ? Did you win it ? Fathan : Yes, i win it Syauqii : congratulation ! You did your best ! Fathan : Thank you ! I’m feeling so grateful for that ! Syauqii : How do you get it ? Fathan : I’m Studying hard for this competition Syauqii : Oh,

It's me

Hello! My full name is Muhammad Fathan Haqqani.You can call me Fathan.I live in Bandung.I was born on October 12, 2004. I'm 14 years old. My hobby is playing games. I study at SMAN 3 Bandung.I think that is the best High school in Bandung city. Before i study at SMAN 3 Bandung, i have passed national exam that was hold on 23rd April 2019. I live on CukangJati street number 22. If you know,my home is near TSM ( Trans Studio Mall). I live with my family, That is my younger sister,my father, and my mother. Maybe,that's all for now, See you!