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Conversation Project

English Project
SMAN 3 Bandung
-M.Syauqii Z (21)
-M.Fathan H (20)

Syauqii : Hi Fathan! How are you ? Long time no see, i’m very surprised!

Fathan : Hi Syauqii ! I’m feeling good, wow long time no see ! How about you ?

Syauqii : I’m good, by the way i see on your instagram you joined a competition. Is           

                that true ??

Fathan : Yes, it’s true

Syauqii : What kind  competition ??

Fathan : It’s a math competition. I hope i can be the winner.

Syauqii : I hope so, good luck !!
Syauqii : Hi ! How about your competition ? Did you win it ?

Fathan : Yes, i win it

Syauqii : congratulation ! You did your best !

Fathan : Thank you ! I’m feeling so grateful for that !

Syauqii : How do you get it ?

Fathan : I’m Studying hard for this competition

Syauqii : Oh, i usually see you in library, did you study in it ?

Fathan : Yes, of course

Syauqii : Wow, can you invite me to study together next time ?

Fathan : Yes, of course. You can come to library anytime !

Syauqii : Okk see you in library !

Fathan : See you !


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It's me

Hello! My full name is Muhammad Fathan Haqqani.You can call me Fathan.I live in Bandung.I was born on October 12, 2004. I'm 14 years old. My hobby is playing games. I study at SMAN 3 Bandung.I think that is the best High school in Bandung city. Before i study at SMAN 3 Bandung, i have passed national exam that was hold on 23rd April 2019. I live on CukangJati street number 22. If you know,my home is near TSM ( Trans Studio Mall). I live with my family, That is my younger sister,my father, and my mother. Maybe,that's all for now, See you!